1. Name :
The name of the Society shall be “
Hasyayoga KENDRA”.
2. Membership :
Society will have its branches all over
the National Capital Region of Delhi.
The person who has been admitted in the
society as a member shall be a member of
concerned Area/branch of the society.
3. Admission & Qualification for
Membership :
A) Membership :
A person who fulfills the following
conditions can become a member of the
society :
(i) Who accepts and believes in
the objectives of the society and agrees
to take part in the activities of the
(ii) Who accepts and agrees to
the Rules & Regulations of the Society.
(iii) Whose membership is
recommended by an executive member of
Management Committee and accepted by
Management Committee.
B) Affiliation with the Society :
A Kendra/Society/Club/Samiti/Social
organization can affiliate with the
society :
[i] Who accepts and believes in
the objectives of the society and agrees
to take part in the activities of the
[ii] Who accepts and agrees to
the Rules & Regulations of the Society.
[iii] Whose affiliation is
recommended by an executive member of
Management Committee and accepted by
Management Committee.
4. Subscription :
(i) Membership : One time fee of
Rs. 1,100/- (Rupees One Thousand one
hundred only) payable at the time of
(ii) Affiliation Fee for the
Kendras (Branches) : Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees
One Thousand Only)
5. Removal of Membership :
(i) On resignation, death, mental
disablement or declared insolvement and
involved in unsocial activities.
(ii) When a member acts against
the objectives, rules and regulations of
the society.
(iii) When a member does not
participate in the three consecutive
meetings of the society, without any
information for which he/she has been
(iv) When a member conducts
himself in a manner which in the opinion
of the Area Committee is unbecoming of a
member of the society, after he/she has
been given prior notice of atleast 15
days and thereby enable to offer
satisfactory explanation in writing, be
removed from the list of members.
6. Appeal and re-admission :
The expelled member can appeal before
the Extended Management Committee for
reconsideration. If Management Committee
is satisfied with his/her explanation,
may forward his/her application of
re-admission for reconsideration of
his/her case once again to Management
Committee. On receipt of Extended
Management Committee recommendation the
Management Committee may decide to
re-enroll. The quorum for such
re-enrollment of membership shall be
2/3rd of the members of Area Committee.
Decision of the Management Committee
shall be the final.
7. Rights and privileges of
Membership :
A member has the right :
(i) to be elected as a member of
Management Committee except President of
the Society. Only desirous members of
the Memorandum of Association be elected
as a President of the Society.
(ii) to be elected as a Central
Representative of the affiliated Body if
he/she is member of any affiliated Body.
(iii) to vote in the meetings of
General Body Meeting, if there is a
(iv) to take part in the
activities of the society.
A affiliated Body has the right :
[v] to appoint their
representative as a Central
Representative of the concerned
affiliated body with the recommendation
of Management committee.
[vi] to represent their Body in
the Central Representative Committee.
[Vii] to take part in the
activities of the society.
8. Central Representatives Committee:
(i) One Central Representative
shall be elected for every affiliated
(ii) Qualification for Central
Representative :
a. Central Representative must be
member of the Concerned affiliated Body
of the area.
b. Central Representative should
also be the committee member of the
affiliated Body.
c. The Central Representative
shall attend the laughing session for
atleast five days in a week on an
d. The Central Representative
shall be capable of conducting laughing
session of the society’s activity.
[iii] Central Representative
Committee is a advisory working
committee only has no legal right. CRC
can propose their
suggestions/recommendation to the
Management Committee for day to day
activities and functioning of the
society. This CRC is build to discuss
the matters related to the centralized
programmes conducted by the Management
Committee and a forum for the affiliated
Body to represent their
views/suggestions before the Management
10. General Body:
(i) The General Body Meeting of
the society shall ordinarily be held
once in a year. This meeting is called
Annual General Meeting.
(ii) Functions of General Body.
The Annual General Meeting held once
every year to transact the following
business namely :
a. To pass the annual financial
statements of the accounts of the
society for the previous year.
b. To appoint the honorary
auditor amongst the members including
the office bearers or a professional
c. To dispose of any other
business brought before the General Body
for which not less than 7 days notice
shall be given or which may be admitted
to the President.
d. To amend the rules &
regulations of the society.
e. To approve the progress report
presented by the General Secretary of
the society.
f. To fill up the vacancy of
Management Committee.
(iii) A one month clear notice
shall be necessary for an ordinary
meeting of General Body and 24 hours
notice shall be necessary for holding an
emergent meeting of the General Body
(iv) An extraordinary General
Body meeting may be summoned by the
Management Committee or shall be carried
on a written request signed by atleast
one forth of the total membership of
General Body
(v) The quorum for General Body
meeting shall be 1/3rd of the total
Central Representative members. If the
number of Central Representative(s)
present at a meeting is less than the
number required for a quorum, the
meeting shall be adjourned.
(vi) The adjourned meeting shall
be held with at least 1/4th of the total
Central Representative members of the
society. No fresh business shall,
however be brought up at such meeting.
11. Management Committee :
The affairs of the society shall be
managed by a Management Committee.
(i) There shall be at least 7
office bearers in the Management
Committee & maximum 99 members in
Management Committee.
(ii) The Management Committee
constituting of the following office
bearers :
a. President
b. Secretary
c. Treasurer
d. Executive members – The
Management Committee can appoint these
executive members as Vice- President,
Joint Secretary or so on as per their
(iii) The office bearers of
Management Committee are being elected
by the General Body Meeting unanimously
or by secret voting.
(iv) The period of the Management
Committee shall be of two years, but
continue as working Management Committee
until the fresh election being held.
(v) Powers and duties of
Management Committee :
a. Any member of Management
Committee who fails to attend three
consecutive meetings of the Management
Committee shall cease to be a member of
Management Committee.
b. All questionnaires at any
meeting of the Management Committee,
General Body shall be decided by a
majority of votes of its members.
(vi) Functions of Management
Committee : The Management Committee
shall -
a. carry the day to day work of
the society and sanction expenditures of
the society.
b. control the funds, Assets and
General Financial Affairs of the
c. manage all the programs,
seminars, activities centrally held.
d. to make planning for the
achievement of the objectives of the
e. to implement the resolutions
passed by the General Body.
f. to do all such work which
deems necessary in the benefit of the
g. to participate in the CRC
(vii) Powers & Functions of the
Office bearers of the Management
Committee :
a. President shall :
i. Preside over the meetings of
the General Body as well as those of
Management Committee. In the absence of
the President such meetings shall be
presided over by Chairman elected by the
members present or Vice President if
appointed by the Management Committee.
ii. Exercise General supervision
and control over the working of the
iii. Have power in constitution
where possible with the General
Secretary of the society, to take
whatever action might be deemed
reasonable in anticipation of
rectification of Management Committee.
iv. Right to use ‘casting vote’
in case of equal voting.
v. Direct the General Secretary
to convene a special Management
Committee meeting for the disposal of
urgent business.
vi. Incur expenditure, the
maximum of which shall be Rs. 10,000/-
to be approved by Management Committee
at its next meeting.
vii. To represent the Society.
viii. Conduct and receive all
correspondence on behalf of the society.
b. General Secretary shall :
i. Convene meeting of the General
Body and Management Committee and issue
proper notice concerning all such
ii. Record proceedings of such
iii. Conduct and receive all
correspondence on behalf of the society.
iv. Maintain a register
containing the names and addresses of
all the members of Area and Central
Representatives of the society.
v. Prepare annual progress report
and present this report before the
General Body for approval.
vi. Incure expenditure, the
maximum of which shall not exceed Rs.
10,000/- to be approved by the
Management Committee at its next
c. Treasurer shall :
i. Realize and receive all
amounts due to the society and issue
receipts of the same.
ii. Maintain proper accounts of
every expenditure and receipts duly
supported by bills/receipts. All
approved expenditure vouchers shall be
signed by President and General
Secretary both.
iii. Operate bank accounts of the
society with the joint signatures either
of President and General Secretary.
iv. Keep imprest money of Rs.
5,000/- in cash.
v. Have the annual accounts
audited in time by the internal auditors
and submit it together with Auditors
report in the meeting of General Body
(Central Representative Committee). The
account shall have to be approved by
Management Committee before presentation
to the General Body and financial
statements shall be counter signed by
President and General Secretary.
vi. Incur expenditure, the
maximum of which shall be Rs. 5,000/- to
be approved by the Management Committee
at its next meeting.
vii. Perform all other acts which
are necessary to maintain the proper
record of accounts of the society.
viii. Shall not disclose/allow to
see accounts of the society to any
person without the prior approval of the
Management Committee, except President,
General Secretary and Auditors.
d. Executive Members:
i. Shall actively participate in
the functions and decisions of
Management Committee
ii. Shall have voting right in
the meetings of Management Committee
iii. Shall convey decisions of
Management Committee to their Area
Committee and do needful for the
implement of such decisions.
(viii) The meetings of Management
Committee shall be held atleast once in
three months; a 7 days clear notice is
required to call an ordinary meeting of
Management Committee, where a short
notice of 24 hours shall be enough for
an emergent meeting.
(ix) Quorum :
a. Quorum for Management
Committee meeting shall be 3/4th of the
members of Management Committee. The
meeting shall be adjourned if the quorum
is not completed.
b. The adjourned meeting shall be
held with at least 1/4th of the members
of the Management Committee. No fresh
business shall however be brought up at
such adjourned meeting.
(x) Vacancy of Management Committee :
The Management Committee shall have the
right to accept or reject the
resignation of office bearers/members of
Management Committee and to fill such
vacancies for the remaining part of the
terms. A report on such filling up of
vacancies, etc. shall however be present
in the next General Body meeting.
(xi) The President and General
Secretary can call Guest members or
observers in the meetings of Management
Committee if they desires so but the
number of guest members shall not be
more than the 1/3rd of total members of
Management Committee. These Guest
members shall not have any right to
11. Sub Committee and Adhoc Committee
(i) The Management Committee
shall have the power to setup adhoc
committee or/and sub-committee and to
delegate powers and functions of these
committees. The committee shall have
right to opt members of the society for
such specific purpose or purposes as it
may deem fit.
(ii) These sub-committee or/and
adhoc committee shall report to the
Management Committee and with the prior
permission of the Management Committee
may present their reports before the
General Body.
(iii) These sub-committees or/and
adhoc committees shall automatically be
dissolved with the completion of the
work assigned to them.
12. Source of Income and Utilization
of Funds :
(i) Management Committee :
a. Source :
i. Membership fee and
subscription as laid down in the
constitution and funds raised from time
to time as specific counts.
ii. Donations and contributions
from the members, sympathisers and like
minded societies / individuals, govt.
and non-govt. organistions.
iii. By publishing advertisement
in the literature of society.
b. Utilization:
i. On day to day working and
various activities, programs, functions,
seminars, conducted by the Management
ii. On publishing literature,
making audio/video C/Ds and visuals etc.
13. Financial Year :
The financial year of the society shall
be from 1st April to 31st March of next
14. Audit of Accounts :
Accounts of the society shall be audited
by internal auditor of the society as
nominated by General Body.
15. Bank Account :
A Centralised Bank Account shall be
maintained by the society in any of the
Bank constituted by the Indian Banking
Act. The account shall be operated by
the Joint Signatures of Treasurer and
any one out of President and General
16. Annual List of Management
Committee (Section 4 of the Act) :
Once in every year a list of office
bearers and members of governing body of
the society shall be filed with the
registrar of the society of Delhi as
required under section 4 of the
Societies Registration act, 1980.
17. Legal Proceedings (Section 6 of
the Act) :
The society may sued of the name of
President/General Secretary as per
provisions laid down under section 6 of
the Societies Registration Act, 1860 as
applicable to the National Capital
Region of Delhi.
18. Amendments :
Any amendment in the memorandum of
Association of rules will be carried out
in accordance with procedure laid down
under section 12 and 12A of the Society
Registration Act, 1860 as applicable to
the National Capital Region of Delhi.
19. Dissolution and Adjustment of
Affairs :
If the Society needs to be dissolved it
shall be dissolved, as per provision
laid down under Section 13 and 14 of the
Societies Registration Act, 1860 as
applicable to the National Capital
Region of Delhi shall apply to this
20. Application of the Act :
All the provision under all the section
of the societies Registration Act, 1860
as applicable to the National Capital
Region of Delhi shall apply to the
21. Essential Certificate :
Certified that this is the correct of
the rules and regulations of the
society. |